Dog puzzle

Posted by american on May 23, 2010

Categories: Idogs Academy

Volunteers needed

Posted by american on May 19, 2010

We are looking for service-oriented people to help’us deliver our 2010 American IDOGS auditions, recruitment days, training classes, seminars and shows taking place in Florida.
If you thought you had fun when you attended your Fun Zone or Boot camp trial, be prepared for a whole new perspective when you become an A.I. volunteer or Support Member.
If you love to jump in and help others, and you enjoy being in the midst of outrageous fun and energy, join the club where you can get it all: the American IDOGS Volunteer Club!
We are looking for volunteers with all kinds of background like: sound technician, public relation, team support, drivers, painters, carpenters, show coordinator, costume creations, lighting technicians and special effects, marketing, website design etc..
In this remarkable community of people you will not only get a chance to hear and experience the powerful messages in American IDOGS auditions, training courses and shows, you will also be present to witness and cheer on the enormous transformational changes as they occur for the participants.
Prior to each event, you will participate in a brief training session, giving you valuable information you can put into practice during the event and can take away to enhance your own life with your friends and dog(s).
In honor of your time, energy,participation and contribution as an American IDOGS Volunteer Club member you will receive:
A limited-edition American IDOGS VOLUNTEER t-shirt Free lunch at all American IDOGS show events in which you participate. A discount on American IDOGS classes and seminares. A discount on American IDOGS casting gallery for one year. A discount on American IDOGS ”goodies” and products. Opportunities to win American IDOGS ELITE CLUB training.A great opportunity to network, make new friends and work with wonderfull dogs in a training aand performance atmosphere. A fabulous chance to experience show energy! Want or are interested in joining us?
Send us an email using the form below now!
if you want to join us!
Thank you and we look forward to having you on our American IDOGS volunteer Team Club!

Comments or questions are welcome.

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Categories: Idogs Academy

Boot Camp with American IDOGS!

Posted by american on May 19, 2010

HTML clipboard

Every Saturday morning from 10:00 to 11:00a.m
Sunview Park, Fort Lauderdale

The new way to have fun with your dog!

Who can apply?

– Large and small–we want them all! Rescues, mutts, and purebreds, show us your stuff!

– Advance training! Cute or not!

Agility ~ Racing ~ Funny

Tricks ~ Freestyle ~ Jumping ~ Relay ~ Extreme obedience, Canine Musical Freestyle and more.


  1. More exercise for both of you!
  2. Better bonding between dog and owner.
  3. Dog will learn to socialize with other dogs and people.
  4. A great place to meet new friends who have the same passion as you.
  5. Dog and owner will learn to work as a team.Þ Gain a smarter, happier dog.
  6. Impress your friends with your dog’s new tricks!
  7. Great for the both of you to stay in shape.
  8. And who knows, you might be selected to become a member of American Idogs national team member and perform in our show.


Non aggressive dog, no prong, choke or other restrictive method will be allowed. All vaccine must be up to date. Any dog up to 8 years old of any breed or size. Rescue more than welcome. Humans from teenager (with authorization) to senior in good physical condition. Dog with no obedience training are not accepted, and will be referred to one of our regular obedience classes.

8 week program includes:

  • Click training and positive reinforcement.
  • Obedience reinforcement: walk, run, basic training practice in team pair or solo.
  • Basic long and high jump and basic agility trial.
  • Routine and trick creation in team.
  • Long sit, long stay with distraction. Fetch ball and plush toy.
  • Basic group parade.
  • Intro to Tic-Tac-Fido.
  • Intro to Dogzilla.
  • Intro to mummy’s game.
  • Basic dog trick. Like roll over cookie on the nose, weave, spin, etc…
  • Introduction to side and back walk.
  • Introduction to Musical chair and magic ring.
  • Introduction to barrel racing, tunnel, ring and A-frame.
  • Basic jumping race circuit.
  • Basic of canine musical freestyle.
  • All members will do all working stations during the session.

The test at the end of level one will include a mix of all basic exercises learned in session one. Those who fail the test will be able to retake this session at 60% off or assist as a volunteer in level two, demo, Elite level or shows to gain more experience.

Limit of 20 inscriptions per session.

Blog Gallery by Picturesurf

Previous show

Posted by american on May 14, 2010

List of our previous shows

April 2010
Idogs at the Sun Life stadium

February 2010
Idogs at the Boca Raton dog festival

Categories: Uncategorized